Buying and installing an SSL certificate will certify that your website is safe when people are using a search engine. Many vendors, such as Bluehost, Namecheap, GoDaddy, and others, provide these certificates. To fix the ‘not secure’ message on your website, the first thing you need to do is purchase an SSL certificate. Here is what you need to do when installing SSL security: 1.

Doing so is a reasonably straightforward process. The best way to fix the “not secure” message on your website is to set up an SSL certificate. How To Fix the “Website Not Secure” Message in Chrome A secure HTTPS-certified site can protect your data from such risks by providing you with a secure data transmission tunnel between your browser and the server/website you are visiting or accessing. Due to the ease with which malicious actors can hack unsecured systems, Google advises internet users not to share confidential information on unencrypted websites. SSL certifications provide websites with the encryption they need to enable safe communication between servers and users/browsers without exposing data to external third-parties. Chrome deems all HTTP sites as insecure since a third-party can intercept data transmitted between such websites and users and servers. With the release of Chrome 68, Google started displaying a green padlock on all HTTPS sites. Doing so would show a text bubble saying, “Your connection to this site is not secure.” This warning error message would often deter visitors from continuing to use the website, which is why having a secure message in the address bar can have a major impact on a site’s overall image and reputation. When it came to unsecured sites, however, users had to click a small icon that appeared in the search bar in place of the green padlock. Google’s Chrome browser used to display a green padlock in the search bar for secure sites. Why Chrome Displays a “Website Not Secure” Message on Websites One way Google is doing this is by labeling all HTTP websites as “ not secure.” By flagging HTTP sites in this way, visitors receive ample warning to navigate away when visiting unsafe, suspicious, or simply unsecured sites when doing a simple google search. For more than a decade, Google has spearheaded numerous efforts and initiatives, such as the Safe Browsing Project, aimed at making the internet safer for everyone.