Sim 3 money cheats pc
Sim 3 money cheats pc

  • constrainFloorElevation true - Allows terrain adjustments regardless of objects/Sims/etc on them.
  • Note: This will unlock everything that you could also do in The Sims 2 with the boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false command. Lets you move your Sims’ status (fun, energy and other) bars by clicking and dragging them.
  • testingCheatsenabled true - Enables testing cheats on objects.
  • Basically removes limitations for placing/moving objects
  • moveObjects on - Hand tool can move any object anywhere in buy and build modes.
  • Motherlode - Get 50,000 more Simoleons added to your household funds.
  • Kaching - Get 1,000 more Simoleons added to your household funds.

  • Sim 3 money cheats pc